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Home Pet Euthanasia Guides
Our Blog Articles
When is the “Right Time” to have your dog or cat put to sleep?
When is the “Right Time” to have your dog or cat put to sleep? Part II
How much does it cost to put my dog or cat to sleep in 2023?
What is euthanasia? What is putting your dog or cat to sleep?
Pet Quality of Life Checkers
Being prepared for your pet’s passing
Where is the best place to have my dog or cat put to sleep?
Putting your dog, cat or pet to sleep, when is the right time?
The Human-Animal Bond - Terminology
The Human Pet Bond – Trends
The Human Pet Bond - The Family
The Human Pet Bond – The vet visit
The Human Pet Bond
How to cope with loss
New YouTube Channel
Human-Pet Bond Article in Vet Times
Putting your dog, cat or pet to sleep, when is the right time?
What is old age?
Is there a better way to put my dog to sleep?
Will a fox dig up my cat’s body? No! Not if you do it right.
What should I choose afterwards – burial or cremation?
What are the reasons to have my dog or cat put to sleep?
Should I feel grief after my pet passes away?
Why Should I Choose Quietus Vets Rather than my Normal Vet?
Can using Quietus Vet help you with your grief?
Cats and Baskets – avoiding stress and anxiety
But I’ve been with my own vet for ever…
5 Things I wish you knew before euthanasia
But she’s having a great day. Should I still have my pet put to sleep?
Quietus Vet on handling Grief
How is Quietus Vet so different from other home euthanasia vets?
Most vets are not doing euthanasia properly
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
How to deal with euthanizing your dog
Quietus Vet helps you get through the whole thing intact…
Emotions can be useful in driving you to be Logical and Rational
Death and dying. Are doctors and vets doing enough? Or too much?
What’s wrong with Pain Relief in Dogs and Cats?
Library of euthanize pet at home articles and fact sheet guides
How to Assess Your Pet’s Quality of Life
Help on How to Consider Your Pet’s Quality of Life and Whether Palliative Care may Help
FAQ: Will my normal vet mind me calling you?
FAQ: Why is a Quietus Vet euthanasia visit any different?
FAQ: Why do you charge more for large dogs?
FAQ: What if I want to bury my pet at home?
FAQ: Should I inform my own vet afterwards for their records?
FAQ: Is this service ethical? Shouldn’t my own vet have to do it?
FAQ: During a visit to the vet, they said I must put my pet to sleep immediately. What do I do?
FAQ: Do you only do pet euthanasia? Do you do normal treatments as well?
FAQ: Do you examine my pet?
The Blue Cross Charity
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2023 change to Aftercare (Cremation) service
About the Quietus Vet
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Our COVID-19 Policy Note
Pet crematoriums
Putting cat to sleep at home
Putting dog to sleep at home
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Why is 3 Stage Technique Different