By thinking about the decision to put to sleep your loved cat or dog before it becomes an emergency, you and your family can make the whole process less upsetting. You can be more in control. You will be surprised what a difference some planning can make..
It is so important you feel you are making the right choices.. It maybe that I can suggest an alternative approach to your pet’s problem – we call this palliative care and it is nearly always best done at home.Preparation is usually the best way to approach this event. If your pet is ill, being treated for a chronic condition or aging problems -and you are considering (even subconsciously) the possibility of ending your pet’s distress, then now is the time to prepare.Preparing for the event means you don’t have to make a decision yet. The decisions become clearer as you prepare. How long to keep going? I can help you decide. I have tools and techniques to help you judge the right time.
Being an experienced practising vet, I can answer most of your questions about treatments, illness and old age. I can give you a guide of what to expect, and roughly when to expect it. Also I can explain the impact of treatment on you and your pet’s quality of life.
I read a quote the other day from a vet who was discussing just this issue. She said “I would rather put a pet to sleep a month too soon than an hour too late”
How many times have I heard: “We wish had done it sooner”.
In my job as a practising Vet, I realise that arriving at the decision to put your pet to sleep can be as hard as the event itself. Many people put off making this decision whilst realising something is needed. It is easy to understand why. When you do finally make the decision for euthanasia. and you decide how and when, then the relief can be enormous.