No one wants to lose their pet – cat and dog owners the world over know only too well that there will always come a time when they will have to say goodbye – but they need not do so in a cold or unhelpful environment. At such a difficult time it is important for both owner and pet to be comfortable and free from any additional stress or anxiety – and oftentimes, it is largely down to the setting and the handling of this delicate event that can add to an owner’s grief.
There are a number of reasons why a veterinary surgery may not be the first port of call for many pet owners. For some, it can be a very cold and clinical place, lacking warmth and familiarity – features that are sorely needed by owners and their pets at this time. Euthanasia shouldn’t be a practice that is conducted in a clinical manner – as the owner and the cat or dog should always be put at the heart of the procedure.
Many owners may feel that the way in which they have said goodbye to their pets has not been appropriate to their shared relationship and this can add to their grief and hurt – meaning that a surgery or medical environment may not be the best option for owners who feel particularly close to their animals. While veterinary practices are well-versed in communicating with pet owners and handle euthanasia as sensitively and as professionally as they can, sometimes a more warm or private touch is more beneficial.
At Quietus Vet we believe that you shouldn’t have to take your pet to your local surgery or vet practice if you feel uncomfortable in doing so – it may even be a case of you being physically unable to make the trip, adding to additional anxiety at a sensitive time. We believe that home is always the best setting for a calm, peaceful and a natural goodbye between owner and animal, allowing for your pet to feel relaxed and in a familiar environment before they pass away.
The best environment in which an animal should be put to sleep should be one which is familiar and safe for both owner and pet alike – and while some veterinary surgeries neglect to offer reliable home visits, Quietus Vet offer a respectful home euthanasia service to ensure that you and your loved one are given the time and space that you need to be able to say goodbye with as much comfort as possible.
No one likes to say goodbye – and considering having a pet put to sleep can be an extremely difficult time with many decisions that you may not wish to rush into. For care, support and a home visit to ensure that you and your pet are able to part peacefully and comfortably, call us on 07761 419 501 or email via web form for more information. Quietus Vet offers a comfortable and respectful alternative to helping your pet pass away peacefully – a fresh and different choice to what most people are used to, or have come to expect.