What Vets Don't Tell You About Dog and Cat Euthanasia 'Put to Sleep'
We will keep this simple:
Most vets perform euthanasia (put to sleep) by giving the 'final injection' (a substance) into your dog or cat's vein.
Most vets who have set themselves up as 'home euthanasia vets' will use sedation followed by the 'final injection'. This is a two step process.
We think it's important for you to know that sedation alone does not cause your cat or dog to fall asleep. Under simple sedation, they remain concious and so they will know a vet is shaving their leg, and they will feel the needle. Sedation just means they don't do anything about it.
Under sedation, cats and dogs can still feel pain.
On rare occasions, it is necessary for a vet to to perform an 'intra-organ' final injection rather than an intravenous one for the final put to sleep. These are painful. Sedation will not change that. A general aneasthetic is vital.
In the USA a vet will be struck off (deregistered) if they haven't made their patient unconcious first - using a general aneasthetic . Unfortunatly this isn't the case in the UK yet. But it should be.
This why we use our 3 Steps. We want our cats and dogs to be fully unconcious before they receive the final injection. Our way, they will never know anything about the process.