Should I feel grief after my pet passes away?

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  3. Should I feel grief after my pet passes away?

The loss of a pet is a sad time that can bring on a host of emotions in any owner – it’s not just the loss of a pet but of a family member – particularly if your cat or dog has been in your life for a considerable number of years.  Many pet owners struggle to process the loss of their companion right away, and this is completely natural – the loss of a family member in any shape or form is a huge shock to the system and the grieving process will be as long as the person affected needs it to be.

How we can help

It is natural to feel grief after losing a pet – however it may occur. No one wants to say goodbye to their cat or dog and the processes through which animals are put to sleep can often feel rather cold or uncomfortable. Pet owners need time to remember their loved ones and to begin to adjust to life beyond their physical presence. Some people are not comfortable with the idea of grieving for the loss of their pet – it may be more helpful to think of it as being a process of adjustment. There are a number of ways in which the grieving process can be assisted.  No owner should be forced to come to terms with the loss of their pet too quickly – grief is a process that takes as long as it takes, and quality aftercare for owners should be just as much a priority as a calm and peaceful handling of their dog or cat’s euthanasia.Here at Quietus Vets, we focus upon the needs of both the owner and the pet, ensuring that euthanasia takes place only as a last resort and in an environment and at a pace that both human and animal can feel at ease and stress-free.  It is a series of moments that no one ever wants to go through, and we feel that these moments should be handled with the utmost sensitivity and respect for owner and pet alike.  We too focus on ensuring that owners are cared for and are given space – a friendly face to talk to once they have said goodbye in their own time. We believe that no one should be forced to grieve alone, and it is a process that we often go into with little idea of when we will come through the other side.

You don’t have to do it alone

Grief for the loss of your pet should be treated with sensitivity and support, and in a manner which will allow you to remember your cat or dog in brighter spirits once you are ready to do so.  The grieving process can feel long – but you never have to go it alone.  We are here to help you and your pet by making you all feel comfortable from the start of the process of saying goodbye. We also help you feel safe and in understanding company as your cat or dog passes away.For more information on our services, please contact us on 0115 784 3456 or email with a more detailed query at your convenience – simply send us an email we will be back in touch with you as soon as we possibly can.

Home Pet Euthanasia Guides

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